We didn't buy a tree last year since we left to New York, but for the past seveal years our tree has been bought from a family that travels down from Oregon and sells them. We all agreed that the tree we picked this year was the best one there. When we lived in Luling we went with Pape to chop down our tree. That was always a treat for the kids. The thought makes me miss my Daddy.
It was not the end result that the team and all of Calallen had hoped for but, I and so many others, will always be proud of the great effort and heart that this team showed. Given played an amazing game! Exactly like an "ugly wolf" would have.
A hurtful act is the transference to others of the degradation which we bear in ourselves. Simone Weil
Spelling Bee Champ
PaPaw's Tree
And the greatest of these is....
Sticks and stones MAY hurt my bones, but unkind words will always hurt me.....or anyone!
Reading buddy is back
The Oak
Mother of 7, wife, teacher, dreamer, wanna be techno geek, curious music listener, moon admirer and very aware that life is going by fast! More to come.... Tweet