
This Day On Earth



"Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul." ~Thomas Merton

Sticks and stones MAY hurt my bones, but unkind words will always hurt me! - me

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Yorkers praying for Gaza victims (Monica in top right corner of video )

Home Sweet Home for Borrego!

Our Borrego Lost but now found "Home Sweet Home"

Our dog was missing for two weeks. We were all very sad about it and even though I have never been much of a dog lover I really missed him too I guess mostly because it was very hard on the "new two". He disappeared from our house on December 16 and Christmas came and went but there was no sign of him. We made flyers, offered a reward, put him on Craig's list, walked the neighborhood, checked the pound several times,strategically placed ourselves around the neighborhood to listen for his usual howl as the train goes by but all to no avail. He was in a dream I had and as I looked down to where he was he lifted up his little head and said "mamma." That made his being gone even worse. On January 1 not very long after a phone conversation with Moni and discussion of what we should have done to keep him from going out on the "prowl" I had a knock on the door. It was our neighbor who knew he had been missing. She had had a conversation with her father-in-laws neighbor who told of a little brown dog she had sighted under an overpass in a cove 20 ft. above the highway I-37. She had seen the bigger dog get out and assumed that the little one(Boggego) had a way out as well. However, because she was not certain that he had it kept gnawing at her and she said that as she played the piano on Christmas Eve she kept thinking about whether the little dog had got out. Well to make a longer story shorter, he had not and was there at least a week with no water food, etc. She was walking the neighborhood and picking up trash like she does when she heard his whimpers she checked across the frontage road and he was still there! No way in the world he could have got out on his own and just inches from falling onto the highway! Her husband had to hold her around the waist so she could reach down and rescue him. So that is our New Year "miracle!" If you could see the actual sight yourself I am sure you would agree. God is good.