June 20-21 I had ESL training at the region 2 center. As soon as I pay $120 to take the test and pass I will official have my ESL Certification! Hmmm I have to pay...I hope I pass!
On Father's Day we floated down the San Marcos river. I think since we have done that 3 or 4 years in a row that it is now a "tradition." The Denman's also joined us for that and for the second year in a row so did Rudy and Joann and our special guest was Aaron. And even though I can't seem to locate any pics of the occasion it really did happen! It was fun and the water was cool and clear and just what was needed. Bry, Kindred , Given and of course the babies were there too!
I always wonder in the Fall just exactly how I spent my summer. I can never really remember so this year I am making an effort to record what it is we are doing this summer.
On June 18th we spent the day with the Denman's and that is where Given, Tyler Denman and Kindred did the Bungee ride at the Bahn!
A hurtful act is the transference to others of the degradation which we bear in ourselves. Simone Weil
Spelling Bee Champ
PaPaw's Tree
And the greatest of these is....
Sticks and stones MAY hurt my bones, but unkind words will always hurt me.....or anyone!
Reading buddy is back
The Oak
Mother of 7, wife, teacher, dreamer, wanna be techno geek, curious music listener, moon admirer and very aware that life is going by fast! More to come.... Tweet