Jmac is reading on. Although he didn't get as far as he had hoped in the area Spelling Bee, he is moving on and reading on. Harry Pottter- Goblet of Fire.
95 Spellers representing 10,000 students! J is competing this morning in the area Spelling Bee! 3-8th graders! He is a 3rd grader competing against them all!
A hurtful act is the transference to others of the degradation which we bear in ourselves. Simone Weil
Spelling Bee Champ
PaPaw's Tree
And the greatest of these is....
Sticks and stones MAY hurt my bones, but unkind words will always hurt me.....or anyone!
Reading buddy is back
The Oak
Mother of 7, wife, teacher, dreamer, wanna be techno geek, curious music listener, moon admirer and very aware that life is going by fast! More to come.... Tweet